Goodlife Health Clubs Preston

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Goodlife Health Clubs Preston. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment, gym and health. You can find Goodlife Health Clubs Preston at Northland Shopping Centre, 2-50 Murray Road, Preston, Victoria 3072.


Postal address:
Northland Shopping Centre, 2-50 Murray Road, Preston, Victoria 3072
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Phone number:
+61 3 8568 4600

Official website:

Establishment   Gym   Health  

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Opening times

We do not have information about the time of work.

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Reviews about Goodlife Health Clubs Preston

  • Noriko Watanabe
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    The facility is great, but I was a member for one and a half years, and was very disappointed with their attitude related money issues in the end.
    Some staff explained that I should pay only $5 weekly instead of $15 whenever I can't come for a while.
    So whenever I traveled or had health issues, I let them know in advance, and avoided paying the full fee.
    When my contract finished in 18 months, I was told to pay for another a couple of months.
    The female manager explained that my 18 months contract does not mean I have to pay for 18 months, but 18 TIMES.
    The time when I could not come was not counted within those 18 months, and this means that I eventually had to pay EXTRA $10 weekly whenever I suspended.
    I said the this was not what I had heard.
    She said that everything is in my contract.
    Where's my contract?
    I remember that one of the staff just casually showed me the contract on her Ipad when I became a member.
    She scrolled the screen quickly, and asked me to sign there.
    No one actually reads it through seriously when they decide to join.
    They never call you back about money issues even if you ask.
    They seem to have lots of complains and money issues from the members, and want to avoid or ignore.
    My daughter's young male personal trainer, Seb forgot her trainings 2 times.
    I don't recommend the system that personal training fee is automatically deducted from your bank account.
    I wasted $185 for no trainings, and the male manager and the trainer never called me back about this issue.
    I didn't want to argue, so I just gave up.
    The management is not member friendly at all.
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